EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

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EU Prize for Journalism 2014 - Five Georgian Journalists acknowledged for their professional standards and ethics

Today, the deputy-Chair of the Georgian Parliament, Ms Manana Kobakhidze, the Ambassador of the European Union, Mr Janos Herman, and the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) awarded the winners of the EU Prize for Journalism 2014. 

The EU Prize for Journalism acknowledges the works of the written press, TV, Radio and social media that reflect high standards of journalistic ethics and professionalism, and have contributed to promoting a better understanding of the values of the European Union. The purpose of the Prize is to stimulate a debate about press and medias performance against international standards, and recognises good examples of unbiased journalism.

Ambassador Herman said: "Awarding Georgian journalists whose works reflect good professional standards and show respect for professional ethics is very important for the strengthening of the democratisation process, bringing Georgia one step closer to the EU".

Four awards were handed out in the following categories:

Best investigative or opinion article in printed or online media to Ms. SophoAptsiauri for the article Labour for Survival (;
Best TV/Radio report to Ms. Nana Biganishvili for the TV Investigation Protecting Vake Park (Studio Monitor);
Best social media profile, blog or blog post to Mr. Lasha Bughadze with the blogpost Be Lysistratas (Radio Liberty);
Most informative news agency or online newspaper to the Kakheti Info Centre.
All winners received the Crystal Globe trophy and a monetary prize of GEL 3,500.

Within the framework of the EU Prize for Journalism 2014, the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) also awarded the Special Prize for Peace Journalism, which recognises the work of journalists for their peace reporting on both sides of the conflict divide. The EU and its Monitoring Mission acknowledge journalists who value the promotion of peace and social justice over violence while addressing their audience. The EUMM Special Prize for Peace Journalism was awarded to Mr. GogaAptsiauri for the article Pain and Hope From Sarajevo ( won an attractive fellowship allowing him to participate in the Caucasus Programme at the headquarters of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) in London.

The Award Ceremony was followed by a Gala concert featuring  Soloist Anna Tifu (Violin), accompanied by the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gianluca Marcianò.

The EU Prize for Journalism was launched in 2012. Every year, the Prize calls for new application on the 3rd of May – the World Press Day. Prizes are awarded by a Jury gathering three European renowned journalists, three reputed Georgian journalists or balanced public profiles, and one representative from the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia. The Special Prize for Peace Journalism is funded by EUMM, and counts on the support of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting.

The full list of the nominees for 2014 and the concert programme is available at:

For additional information:    Giuseppe Vasques:          Maia Chitaia: +995 599 49 00 12 Ann Vaessen: +995 591 22 70 16 -