EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

Krtsanisi Residential Area, 49 Krtsanisi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 32 2 721800; +995 32 2 719300
23/10/2024 09:10:50
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Public Statement by CPCC on the current pandemic

Message by the CPCC, the operational headquarters of the civilian CSDP Missions

We are faced with the temporary, but severe Covid 19-pandemic.

All civilian CSDP Missions abide by the local regulations and implement the internationally recommended precautionary measures to shield humans from the virus. Many mission staff members are self-isolating and teleworking. The management and the medical experts in our civilian Missions ensure full compliance with all regulations and precautionary health measures.

Our Missions have temporarily adapted or reduced operational activities wherever necessary. Alternative mentoring and advising of local partners via e-mail, phone or video is organised where possible and wanted.
Indispensable functions continue but under full implementation of precautionary health measures. Examples of indispensable functions include the witness protection programme of the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo or the continued visible monitoring of the Administrative Boundary Lines by the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia.

We will resume full operational activities once they are assessed to be safe. Our reduction measures are temporary: the civilian CSDP Missions will continue to support partners in our common quest for security.
Our sympathy is with those touched by the virus and with the brave people working in the frontline of health services and essential functions enabling a continued functioning of our societies.
This is a temporary crisis. Together we will master it.
Background: The eleven civilian CSDP Missions work to increase and strengthen security, rule of law and human rights. Around 2,000 men and women are employed by the civilian Missions in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Around 100 persons work at the Operational Headquarters of these Missions in Brussels (Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability, CPCC). The vast majority of our staff worldwide are currently teleworking. Critical staff remain, but fully observing all precautionary measures.

Please view the link here.