EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

Krtsanisi Residential Area, 49 Krtsanisi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 32 2 721800; +995 32 2 719300
23/10/2024 09:10:46
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New head of EUMM starts introductory meetings in Tbilisi

New Head of Mission of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) Ambassador Kęstutis Jankauskas started his introductory meetings in Tbilisi today. He held a meeting with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia Gigi Gigiadze this afternoon and plans to continue introductory visits to relevant ministries in the coming days.

During the meeting with the Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador Jankauskas expressed his readiness to continue the well-established cooperation the Mission has with the Ministry. The Deputy Minister, on his part, thanked the Mission for its contribution to stability and underlined the importance of EUMM’s work on the ground welcoming the extension of the Mission’s mandate until 14 December 2016.

Apart from the official meetings, during the next couple of days, Ambassador Jankauskas is planning to visit each EUMM field office and closely acquaint himself with the day to day functioning of the Mission. Also, together with Ambassador Angelo Gnaedinger, OSCE Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the South Caucasus, Ambassador Jankauskas will co-facilitate the 51st IPRM meeting scheduled for January 20 in Ergneti.