EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

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23/10/2024 09:10:47
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Foreign Ministers of Poland and Sweden visit the European Union Monitoring Mission, Georgia

On 14 November, a delegation headed by H.E. Ms. Margot Wallström, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, and a delegation headed by H.E. Mr. Witold Waszczykowski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, visited the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) Field Office in Mtskheta.

Mr. Erik Høeg, Acting Head of Mission, welcomed the delegations and briefed the ministers on the role of the Mission. He also outlined key issues which the EUMM is focusing on in its efforts to ensure stability and to monitor the situation for people affected by the conflict. The Acting Head of Mission also thanked both Foreign Ministers for their countries’ continuous support to the EUMM and for the many qualified women and men seconded by Polish and Swedish authorities to serve in the mission. During the visit, the ministers had a chance to briefly meet with some of the monitors presently working in the Mission and had a first-hand impression of their important work for the EUMM. 

Following a briefing at the Field Office in Mtskheta, the two delegations joined a patrol to the Administrative Boundary Line with South Ossetia, where members of the delegations had an opportunity to observe the results of ‘borderisation’ activities, a border guard base in South Ossetia, and a crossing point between South Ossetia and the territory administered by Georgian authorities, manned by Russian border guards.

The Swedish and Polish Foreign Ministers expressed their gratitude to the EUMM for a very comprehensive presentation about the current situation concerning the two breakaway regions of Georgia and reiterated their support and appreciation for the Mission’s activities and presence on the ground. 

Acting Head of EUMM Erik Hoeeg greets Mr. Witold Waszczykowski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland outside the Field Office Mtskheta

Acting Head of EUMM Erik Hoeeg walks with Ms. Margot Wallström, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden in the yard of the Field Office Mtskheta

Acting Head of EUMM Erik Hoeeg hosts Ms. Margot Wallström, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden and Mr. Witold Waszczykowski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and corresponding delegations in the Field Office Mtskheta